About Me

an svg stylized greyscale image of me, the author

Hi there, my name is Ben. I originally hail from the UK, being born in Oxford. Later on my family moved to a place near Reading, where I went to Reading School, a school with the buildings of a private school but with the budget of a state school.

Afterwards I went to the University of St Andrews1 to study Computer Science for my undergraduate, briefly staying in Edinburgh for a summer in 2013.


My mother's side of the family hail from Ayr on the west coast of Scotland, and I am to understand that the east coast is full of elitists (and St Andrews especially as a place where toffs go to party rather than to learn). I am not sure if they were necessarily wrong.

After uni I moved to Berlin, Germany, where I planned to see for a couple of years before moving on to somewhere else with the full advantages of an EU citizenship.

10 years later, I am now a joint German citizen, and I am frequently told by British people that I sound German, not British. Unfortunately this has not translated much into my own language abilities, which flux around a B2 in German at the best of times.


With regards to tech, I've been lost in that field since a long time. At the age of 9 I asked my father how I could make a computer game, and he showed me the basics of if, printf and scanf in C. I dutifully made a question and answer game, and was very proud of myself (despite the segfaults).

The next day he came back looking a bit sullen. "I asked around at the office and have found out I shouldn't have taught you C. Apparently you should be learning Java instead". From there, a life of misery awaited me.